Today is 14 of December 2023.
We trust this information finds well for you.
Our intention to write here is to keep you informed to our intention and focus, despite of busy period of time with holidays and family matters.
Today, we have received from SWIFT information related to T+1 .
Despite of this information is for another country, we decided to get the best from this information sharing here at our blog with you.
Swift is trying more and more working on payment at real time, in conjoint with our focus are on the same path.
Offering payment processor from nacional and international finance service thru our Qrpay to get Qresult at the same time for our customers facility and working together with businesses thru their accounts area to make a sure their cash flow processes are up to date in a fast and transparent method to avoid future losses.
We are working hard on that solution right now to provide you in January 2024 the best experience ever in our work with PIN TTE K from New Zealand to the world.
We have since then using our unique customer id with reference in all the payment processes to avoid expose our customer's information to others, respecting their privacy and personal information, according to New Zealand privacy law.
Inclusive in our database, using this unique customer id to refer to them, without expose their personal information is away far smart to avoiding future issues for customers who just want a solution for their necessities in payment method and credits, including fast and resilient payment processes.
Have a good day!